The subject of the negotiation revolves around the cancellation of a payment for sick leave accumulated in retirement. Although the city`s high-priced lawyer followed all legal measures to put workers in a lockout/strike position, the city`s position has always been that they would cancel and pay this benefit, which was due 30%. The bargaining committee proposed several options in the middle of the street to get approval from bargaining unit members – these were rejected by the city. The members were not presented with other solutions to the city`s problem (without setting aside the money for this contractual obligation). For example, the agreement specifies how positions are to be advertised and filled, how shifts are to be planned, and how performance evaluations are to be conducted. The agreement does not allow the employer to easily make decisions based on merit rather than seniority. Bill Daniels, IbEW First District Vice-President (Canada), drew the attention of all Canadians to an urgent need for labour in Alberta. Local 424 requires the following professionals: On page 7 of the collective agreement (CBA) between NSGEU Local 97 and Capital Health, we find section 5.01, which states: “The management and management of employees and operations is the sole responsibility of the employer. All functions, rights, powers and powers that the Employer has not expressly shortened, abolished or modified by this Agreement shall be recognized by the Union as retained by the Employer. “I don`t think anyone – no matter how much you think, right-wing or left-wing politics or in the middle – would think that this should be used as a collective bargaining tool, that we should resign en masse,” he told reporters.

Primary responsibility for decisions that affect patient care should rest with Capital Health management. They would be delighted to have more money to work with than the meagre increases of recent years, and to use some of it to hire more nurses. But imposing inflexible conditions in a collective agreement is not the right way to help patients. In fact, patient care could be further improved if some of the existing union restrictions on management choices were eased. This is to inform Local 97 members that the preliminary agreement you ratified has now been signed by the union and your employer, which means you have a new contract officially. You should receive the retro salary that will be due to you in the coming weeks. The next owner has a project-limited collective agreement with IBEW Local 1928: Whatever retirement benefits you have, you plan around them. Members of the IBEW`s Local 1928 Of the Town of Antigonish Electric Utility plan to take advantage of this benefit in retirement – it is deferred income. For the city to insist that the conditions be changed without the consent of those affected is unfair. While the nurses` current collective agreement provides for a three-day dismissal, Power said that unless two weeks` notice is given, the Capital District Health Department is not required to allow employees to withdraw the dismissal. The following external contractors have signed the current collective agreement with EUS T&D (i.e.

they have signed voluntary recognition). This means that if these contractors perform external construction work in the province of 1928 (Nova Scotia and PEI), they agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement, including wages, deductions, travel allowances, health, social and retirement allowances, daily subsistence allowances and hiring regulations (i.e. 1:1 employer and local labour provided in 1928; if the union does not have the members through the list of recommendations). of Local 1928, the employer may then call upon its own employees). The Local1928 Union Board of Directors has submitted a negotiated agreement to members of the NSP`s collective bargaining unit for a vote, which will take place electronically between August 22 and 29. The settlement offers some relief from the current pressures exerted by the outsourcing initiatives announced by NSP in late 2013 and early 2014 and provides future security, both in terms of job continuity and benefits. This agreement, if ratified by members, would exist as a declaration of intent that must be annexed or incorporated into future treaties as long as it is in force. NHP members should contact the union hall for more information or register in the members section of this website to view reference materials.

If there are mass resignations, Power said, the agency can apply for a cease and desist order, grieve under the collective agreement, discipline nurses and complain to the Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia. Important note: For members of the collective bargaining unit who have resigned or retired since October 31, 2012 (the expiry date of your last collective agreement), you have 30 days from the date of signature (October 24) to request retroactive wage increases. The NSGEU president is also guilty of dividing her own residents on the issue. Many NSGEU members I know feel that their contributions are being wasted on expensive communication plans for a battle with no upside potential. If Jessome manages to get more money for nursing positions in hospitals, it will undoubtedly be partly due to the loss of government jobs elsewhere. In other provinces where the committees have been amalgamated, the employer has asked each time to certify a single bargaining unit. As you indicated, the NSNU is the overwhelming favourite. Jessome faces internal fragmentation of its natives, in addition to a potential balance sheet problem that cannot be easily solved. It seems to me that their rumor of $300,000 plus the compensation plan could be discussed or even terminated. I think their style of labour relations should go back to the 1970s, where it belongs. Median nursing salaries are also higher than those of average NSGEU members.

The 2300 nurses represent +/- 10% of the source of income of the contributing members of this organization. NSGEU is essentially a company with very limited revenue growth opportunities. A company with a new headquarters that is expensive to pay. In 2013, just over 25,000 Nova Scotians were injured on the job, of whom more than 6,300 were seriously injured enough to waste time on the job. Sadly, there were 34 workplace deaths in Nova Scotia last year. To date, there have been two deaths in 2014, excluding those who quit their jobs due to unrecognized or undiagnosed occupational diseases. . Lawyer Bruce Outhouse was hired to arbitrate the contract negotiations between the two parties. It is expected to reunite the two sides on Friday at the Holiday Inn in Dartmouth. Now Jessome wants to impose an inflexible relationship between the patient-nurse and the staff. As Kathleen MacMillan, a professor at Dalhousie University, noted, “Experiments with fixed relationships between nurses and patients in other jurisdictions (e.g., California), which were initially hailed as solutions, were largely political failures and were abandoned.

The government should understand that giving in to the demand for inflexible relationships between patients and nurses would set a precedent that would be followed by other bargaining units. Applied to all nurses in the province, it would cost much more than the estimated $60 million for Capital Health. Capital Health nurses are initially paid for three weeks of vacation, which increases to six weeks after age 24. 12.5 Public holidays; up to 15 days of general leave for things like family emergencies, doctor`s or dentist appointments; mourning leaves; leave for the performance of trade union duties; pregnancy and parental leave supplements; and finally, an old-age pension of up to 26 weeks` allowance. In addition, there are paid disability benefits and various unpaid vacation days. . Keep up the good work. I love hearing your words of wisdom The Unit 5 (Metro Halifax) meeting will be held on August 21 in a meeting room at the Comfort Inn in the JK Bell Building. We booked the room at candadiana restaurant. Meanwhile, staff at Northwood Homecare and VON, also represented by Jessome, oppose the generous wage increases accepted by other health care workers, arguing that they should be paid in the same way as some hospital employees. This follows a well-mapped path of union bargaining tactics. Paramedics tried a similar strategy, although they had to look all the way to Alberta to find the desired example.
