When it comes to language, precision is key. Every word and punctuation mark matters, and when it comes to grammatical structure, agreement is an essential component.

Agreement is the concept of making sure that words within a sentence, clause, or phrase are compatible in terms of tense, person, and number. For example, we say, “She is going to the store” rather than “She am going to the store.” This grammatical agreement helps convey the intended meaning of the sentence and makes it clearer for the reader.

However, there are times when compactness wins over agreement. In certain contexts, it can be more efficient and effective to sacrifice grammatical agreement in favor of brevity. Here are a few examples of when compactness might trump agreement:

Headlines and Titles: Headlines and titles are critical components of search engine optimization (SEO) and need to be concise and attention-grabbing. Sacrificing strict grammatical agreement can help achieve a bolder, more attention-grabbing headline that still conveys the intended meaning.

Social media posts: Social media platforms often have character limits, and in these situations, it can be necessary to use compact phrasing over grammatical agreement to convey the intended message effectively.

Text messages and chats: In informal communication contexts, such as text messages or chats, compactness often trumps agreement in favor of speed and ease of typing.

Of course, compromising grammatical agreement should be done with caution. In cases where clarity and comprehension are the top priority, agreement should always come first. However, when used thoughtfully and intentionally, compactness can be a valuable tool for writers and editors seeking to optimize their language for different contexts.