The CPS Bargaining Agreement: An Overview

The CPS bargaining agreement is a crucial aspect of the relationship between the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for CTU members, including compensation, benefits, and working conditions.


One of the primary issues addressed in the CPS bargaining agreement is compensation. The agreement sets out the salary schedule for CTU members, which is based on years of experience and educational attainment. It also includes provisions for additional compensation, such as stipends for working in high-need schools or teaching hard-to-fill subjects.


The CPS bargaining agreement also includes provisions for benefits, such as healthcare and retirement. The agreement outlines the healthcare options available to CTU members, including medical, dental, and vision coverage, as well as the cost-sharing arrangements between the CPS and the CTU. It also sets out the retirement benefits available to CTU members, such as pension plans and retirement savings accounts.

Working Conditions

The CPS bargaining agreement also addresses working conditions for CTU members. This includes provisions for class size, workload, and safety in the workplace. The agreement sets out the maximum class size for each grade level and subject area, as well as the maximum number of students per teacher. It also addresses workload issues, such as the amount of time CTU members are expected to spend on planning and preparation.

In addition to these provisions, the CPS bargaining agreement includes a number of other important provisions, such as:

– Holidays: The agreement sets out the holidays that CTU members are entitled to, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year`s Day.

– Sick leave: The agreement outlines the sick leave provisions available to CTU members, including the number of sick days they are entitled to and the process for taking sick leave.

– Evaluations: The agreement sets out the evaluation process for CTU members, including the criteria used to evaluate performance and the process for addressing performance concerns.

Overall, the CPS bargaining agreement is a critical component of the relationship between the CPS and the CTU. By outlining the terms and conditions of employment for CTU members, it helps to ensure that teachers are fairly compensated and provided with safe and effective working conditions. Additionally, the agreement helps to maintain stable labor relations between the CPS and the CTU, which is essential for providing high-quality education to students throughout Chicago.