When it comes to borrowing money, a simple interest free loan agreement can be a great way to ensure that both parties are on the same page. This type of loan agreement is ideal for small loans between family members or friends, where there is no need for complex legal language or interest rates. In this article, we will take a look at what a simple interest free loan agreement template should include, and how to create one.

What is a Simple Interest Free Loan Agreement?

Before we dive into creating a simple interest free loan agreement template, it`s important to understand what this type of agreement means. Essentially, a simple interest free loan agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan. Unlike traditional loans, there is no interest rate charged on the amount borrowed. Instead, the borrower is expected to repay the principal loan amount within a specified timeframe.

What Should a Simple Interest Free Loan Agreement Include?

When creating a simple interest free loan agreement, there are certain elements that should be included to ensure that both parties are protected. These include:

1. Names and addresses of the parties involved: This should include the full names and addresses of both the borrower and the lender.

2. Loan amount: The exact amount of money being borrowed should be stated in the agreement.

3. Repayment terms: This should outline the timeframe in which the borrower is expected to repay the loan. This can be a lump-sum payment or a series of payments over time.

4. Consequences for default: If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the agreement should outline the consequences. This can include legal action or the addition of interest charges.

5. Signatures: The agreement should be signed by both parties, and dated.

Creating a Simple Interest Free Loan Agreement Template

Now that you understand what should be included in a simple interest free loan agreement, it`s time to create a template. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Start with a blank document: Open a new document in your preferred word processing program.

2. Add a title: Give your document a title, such as “Simple Interest Free Loan Agreement.”

3. Add the elements: Using the information outlined above, add the required elements to your document.

4. Customize to your needs: Depending on your specific situation, you may need to add additional elements or customize the terms of the agreement.

5. Save and print: Once you have completed your template, save the document and print out a copy for both parties to sign.


In conclusion, a simple interest free loan agreement is a great way to formalize a loan between family members or friends. By including the required elements, both parties can be sure that the terms are clear and understood. Creating a template for this type of agreement can also save time and ensure consistency between loans. With this guide, you should now be able to create a simple interest free loan agreement template that works for your needs.