We recognize that the important information provided by the Department of Health, both at the Commonwealth and state levels, continues to be dynamic and constantly evolving. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you subscribe to the Department of Health`s COVID-19 newsletter for the elderly care sector, Protecting Older Australians, to ensure you have access to the latest information. CASA thanks everyone for working together to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of individuals and the wider community. For more information, please contact us at info@youracsa.ca. We are aware that every situation is unique and we encourage you to contact our COR department at COR@youracsa.ca or 1-800-661-2272 to learn more about your options. If no proof of vaccination is provided, a negative COVID-19 test performed within the last 72 hours must be submitted. The use of this COVID-19 information site is at the user`s own risk, regardless of ACSA`s fault or negligence. The resource documents and information reproduced herein are not final and up-to-date instructions for complying with the orders of Alberta`s Chief Medical Officer of Health or for navigating the various levels of applicable legislation, regulations and policies. All applicable legal provisions and government orders apply in the event of any conflict with the information on this COVID-19 information page, and ACSA does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the materials and information published here. CASA has put in place a number of COVID-19 resources and supports for senior care providers to ensure you have access to critical information as soon as it becomes available. I am writing to inform you that CASA`s 108th Annual Meeting will not be held in San Diego next week.

The Board reviewed public health data on the coronavirus and its impact on travel and our conference venues and found that holding the conference and related activities at that time would pose an unacceptable risk. We regret having to make this decision, but we are committed to prioritizing the health and safety of our conference participants. Email: info@youracsa.ca toll-free: 1-800-661-ACSA (2272) We will update this page with information about CASA training, COR/SECOR processes, ACSA services and resources, and what we are doing to deal with operational changes resulting from covid-19. CASA has compiled a range of information from the Ministry of Health, the Commission on Quality and Safety of Care for the Elderly, the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre and more to provide a practical reference guide with up-to-date information on COVID-19. Given the rapidly evolving information regarding COVID-19, we encourage all members to periodically review this document for new updates to existing information. Last updated: 31. December 2021 All Central American States are reminded to upload their documents as soon as possible in order to comply with Articles 33 and 38-40 of the Chicago Convention, and that other States should be informed first-hand of this information in order to facilitate the resumption of industry operations. Find information, support, and resources specific to: Which resources would be most helpful? How can we best support or defend architecture schools? Contact us with your ideas about covid@acsa-arch.org. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your individual situation, please contact us by email at COR@youracsa.ca.

If you are a CASA member and need help or advice, you can contact CASA by phone at 1300-877-855 or email memberconnect@acsa.asn.au As we navigate this unprecedented global emergency, CASA will continue to provide its members with the information they need to navigate these uncertain times. This page is intended to provide information about online discussions and events, networks and tools for our members and will be updated regularly as new resources become available. Always make sure you rely on a trusted authority or source for your information and updates as COVID-19 evolves. For the latest news, resources, information and support on COVID-19, please visit the Ministry of Health website. All audits for 2021 must be requested on ACSA`s eAudit platform. You can now request your external certification/recertification audits. If you require an internal cor maintenance audit, please contact our COR department to obtain your reference number. We will publish more information on internal audit in 2021 as it becomes available. Following our April 10 online discussion “The Great Transformation: Rethinking the World After COVID-19,” we invited participants to create a network of faculty interested in a range of actions to create a more just, equitable and better designed world.

Articles from this network are now online on Medium about the changes in higher education and the opportunities for designers that arise from a “panarchic” publication. Other opportunities will arise. Join the network now by sending covid@acsa-arch.org an email. Virtual format Since we announced our decision to move the conference to an online format, CASA staff have developed templates to host a virtual event that would ensure the delivery of peer-reviewed content and other roundtables already planned. Interviews should be conducted remotely via web platforms (para. B example, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, etc.) or by phone. We continue to review facts from credible public health sources, such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the San Diego County Government, and the California State Department of Public Health. We are also gathering more information about travel restrictions and looking for alternatives to hold a meaningful scientific meeting despite these unexpected circumstances. For frequent visitors such as contractors and delivery drivers, please contact your usual CASA contact for information on regular access to the building.

The Curriculum for Climate Agency`s Teacher Conference in June 2021, as a collaboration between EAAE and CASA, hosts a range of presentation and communication formats, from comprehensive paper and project-based presentations to workshop-based interactions and graphic, visual and/or textual analysis of projects addressing the 10 scholarship topics. Casa grants a three-month extension of the Flagger Train-the-Trainer certification, the Train-the-Trainer certification for the transportation of dangerous goods and the 2015 Train-the-Trainer Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) certification, which expires between March 17 and June 30, 2020. On the 14th. In April 2020, a Harmonised Guide for States was developed to upload their “facilitations” or “flexibilities” to the website provided by ICAO through the Electronic Differences Filling Platform (EFOD), which can be followed on ICAO`s COVID-19 Differences (CCRD) page. Audits are conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. We have peer auditors waiting to conduct audits virtually. We strongly recommend that you request your audit in the ACSA eAudit system quickly in order to avoid delays in securing a peer auditor and overcome the rush towards the end of the year. .