The default clinical memorandum of understanding template for the State of Minnesota can be found on the Minnesota State Contract Forms and Templates page. Before a confirmed clinical rotation can begin, an active clinical affiliation agreement between UNC hospitals and the educational institution must be stored with the APP center. Students who will rotate at unc-Hospitals must meet all the requirements listed in the agreement. If the educational institution does not currently have an active agreement with unc hospitals, the APP center will make the Unc hospitals clinical affiliation agreement template available to the educational institution for signature. The clinical affiliation agreement template is sent to the educational institution for signature ONLY if there is a preceptor and the APP centre determines that the requested rotation is available. Many schools or university departments require or encourage their students to complete internships or clinical placements at external institutions as part of their graduation requirements. Most of these internships require a contract or affiliation agreement between the institution and the university as a condition of accepting our students as interns or interns. Our goal is to eliminate the unnecessary time and resources currently spent on negotiating (and renegotiating) agreements when a standard and predictable approach is sufficient. The AAMC Uniform Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement is a simple and unique agreement located on the AAMC website. NOTE: According to UNC-Hospitals Legal, NO changes or modifications to the UNC Hospitals Clinical Affiliation Agreement template will be accepted. The AAMC Uniform Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement is incorporated by reference and implemented through a one-page implementation letter signed by the faculty of medicine and the host clinical institution. For those who need to amend or add provisions due to unique government legal requirements or for other reasons, the implementation letter may be modified to reflect these requirements. Consistent use of the AAMC`s uniform clinical education affiliation agreement through the execution of an implementation letter by the faculty of medicine and the host clinical institution saves time, reduces costs and standardizes expectations.

Minnesota State Counsel has negotiated Memoranda of Understanding (MOA) bills for some health organizations. Examples of these negotiated MEMORANDUM of Understanding templates are provided below. Please note that the Memoranda of Understanding found on this website may only be used for reference and comparison purposes. A good starting point for concluding an acceptable agreement is to use one of our standard membership agreement templates. An important part of the third and fourth year of medical school is the opportunity to learn in a clinical setting. The AAMC`s Uniform Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement is designed as follows: If you receive a Memorandum of Understanding from an institution and it indicates that there is a negotiated template, please check what was sent to you with the corresponding Memorandum of Understanding on this website. By directly comparing the two documents, you can ensure that your college or university has received the most recent Memorandum of Understanding approved for use by Minnesota State Counsel. Many institutions prefer to send the proposed memorandum of understanding to campus rather than send a standard clinical model for the state of Minnesota. If an organization uses a cover letter, below you will also find an “example” of a cover letter for your review and comparison. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Advocate General. At its June 2014 meeting, the Medical Education Liaison Committee approved the AAMC`s Uniform Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement as meeting its accreditation standards. The approval complements a multi-year outreach process to reduce the need to negotiate and renegotiate agreements for short-term supervised training experiences that pose a relatively low risk to all stakeholders.

Sobald die Bildungseinrichtung die unterzeichnete klinische Zugehörigkeitsvereinbarung von UNC-Hospitals an das APP-Zentrum zurücksendet, erhält der Placement Manager Unterschriften von UNC-Hospitals und sendet eine Kopie der vollständig ausgeführten Vereinbarung per E-Mail an die Bildungseinrichtung. Quillen College of Medicine Die Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Keck School of Medicine der University of Southern California Loma Linda University School of Medicine Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center à Shreveport, School of Medicine Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine Maimonides Medical Center Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine Maricopa Integrated Health System Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Mayo Clinic School of Medicine McLeod Regional Medical Center Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University Medical College of Wisconsin Meharry Medical College Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Midwestern University (Glendale, AZ und Downers Grove, IL) Morehouse School of Medicine New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine – Jonesboro Campus New York Medical College School of Medicine New York University School of Medicine Médecine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine L’Ohio State University College of Medicine Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine Quinnipiac University Frank H. . . .